16.–22. SEPT


Exhibition of product design award BRUNO 2024
Mon at 17—21
Tue-Sun at 12—20
The BRUNO product design award is awarded every two years to an exceptional product or product series, manufactured either at the designer's own initiative, as a collaboration, or as a commission by a manufacturer/entrepreneur. Production-ready prototypes created during the past two years, or industrial products or product series already in production qualify to enter.

On the exhibition you can see the qualified work, which the international jury rated highly enough. Three categories - lifestyle, human environment and engineering - can be seen on the exhibition.

In order to value design and the profession of designer, the Estonian Association of Designers decided in 2006 to start giving out the Estonian Design Award. The first Design Award was given out in the eighties by Tallinn Art Institute Department of Design at the initiative of Bruno Tomberg, after whom the Estonian Design Award has been named. Among the award-winners are experienced professionals like Matti Õunapuu, Heikki Zoova etc. 

Starting from 2012, Estonian Design Awards, including BRUNO, are jointly presented in cooperation with Estonian Design Centre, ADC*Estonia, Estonian Service Industry Association and Estonian Academy of Arts.  Estonian Design Centre organises the Design Awards and gala takes place during the Tallinn Design Festival.

The Estonian Association of Designers wishes to present innovative, high-standard new products to the public that would prompt Estonians to consume domestic design and motivate entrepreneurs to involve professional designers in product development. The recognition would encourage designers to create new interesting products and motivate them to learn about tendencies in design on the international level. For the design-knowledgeable entrepreneur participating in the competition with a designer and the public sector, product development from the aspect of design and design management would bring recognition and would be a good role model for others. In the long-term perspective, the Design Award is a springboard for new products and brands to the international arena.



Exhibition of product design award BRUNO 2024
Mon at 17—21
Tue-Sun at 12—20
The BRUNO product design award is awarded every two years to an exceptional product or product series, manufactured either at the designer's own initiative, as a collaboration, or as a commission by a manufacturer/entrepreneur. Production-ready prototypes created during the past two years, or industrial products or product series already in production qualify to enter.

On the exhibition you can see the qualified work, which the international jury rated highly enough. Three categories - lifestyle, human environment and engineering - can be seen on the exhibition.

In order to value design and the profession of designer, the Estonian Association of Designers decided in 2006 to start giving out the Estonian Design Award. The first Design Award was given out in the eighties by Tallinn Art Institute Department of Design at the initiative of Bruno Tomberg, after whom the Estonian Design Award has been named. Among the award-winners are experienced professionals like Matti Õunapuu, Heikki Zoova etc. 

Starting from 2012, Estonian Design Awards, including BRUNO, are jointly presented in cooperation with Estonian Design Centre, ADC*Estonia, Estonian Service Industry Association and Estonian Academy of Arts.  Estonian Design Centre organises the Design Awards and gala takes place during the Tallinn Design Festival.

The Estonian Association of Designers wishes to present innovative, high-standard new products to the public that would prompt Estonians to consume domestic design and motivate entrepreneurs to involve professional designers in product development. The recognition would encourage designers to create new interesting products and motivate them to learn about tendencies in design on the international level. For the design-knowledgeable entrepreneur participating in the competition with a designer and the public sector, product development from the aspect of design and design management would bring recognition and would be a good role model for others. In the long-term perspective, the Design Award is a springboard for new products and brands to the international arena.



Exhibition of product design award BRUNO 2024
Mon at 17—21
Tue-Sun at 12—20
The BRUNO product design award is awarded every two years to an exceptional product or product series, manufactured either at the designer's own initiative, as a collaboration, or as a commission by a manufacturer/entrepreneur. Production-ready prototypes created during the past two years, or industrial products or product series already in production qualify to enter.

On the exhibition you can see the qualified work, which the international jury rated highly enough. Three categories - lifestyle, human environment and engineering - can be seen on the exhibition.

In order to value design and the profession of designer, the Estonian Association of Designers decided in 2006 to start giving out the Estonian Design Award. The first Design Award was given out in the eighties by Tallinn Art Institute Department of Design at the initiative of Bruno Tomberg, after whom the Estonian Design Award has been named. Among the award-winners are experienced professionals like Matti Õunapuu, Heikki Zoova etc. 

Starting from 2012, Estonian Design Awards, including BRUNO, are jointly presented in cooperation with Estonian Design Centre, ADC*Estonia, Estonian Service Industry Association and Estonian Academy of Arts.  Estonian Design Centre organises the Design Awards and gala takes place during the Tallinn Design Festival.

The Estonian Association of Designers wishes to present innovative, high-standard new products to the public that would prompt Estonians to consume domestic design and motivate entrepreneurs to involve professional designers in product development. The recognition would encourage designers to create new interesting products and motivate them to learn about tendencies in design on the international level. For the design-knowledgeable entrepreneur participating in the competition with a designer and the public sector, product development from the aspect of design and design management would bring recognition and would be a good role model for others. In the long-term perspective, the Design Award is a springboard for new products and brands to the international arena.



Design Forum "Empowering Spaces Through Design"

Welcome coffee

10:00–12:00 Keynote speakers
10:00 Introduction by Ilona Gurjanova (EST)
10:15 Cameron Sinclair (USA)
10:50 Stephan Clambaneva (USA)
11:20 Spyros Bofylatos (Greece)
11:40 Kitti Butter (Hungary)


13:00~15:20 EU Project 'SMOTIES - Creative Works for Small and Remote Places' Presentations
13:00 SMOTIES Project Introduction (Politecnico di Milano, SMOTIES coordinator)
13:20 Publication 'Remote Places, Public Spaces' Introduction by author Michael Dumiak

13:40 Austria (FH JOANNEUM)
13:50 UK (Clear Village)
14:00 France (Cité du Design)
14:10 Slovenia (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia)
14:20 Iceland (Alternance slf)
14:30 Italy (Politecnico di Milano)
14:40 Portugal (Universidade da Madeira)
14:50 Greece (University of the Aegean)
15:00 Poland (Zamek Cieszyn)
15:10 Estonia (Estonian Association of Designers)

15:20 Panel Discussion

16:00 End of Conference


Exhibition of product design award BRUNO 2024
Mon at 17—21
Tue-Sun at 12—20
The BRUNO product design award is awarded every two years to an exceptional product or product series, manufactured either at the designer's own initiative, as a collaboration, or as a commission by a manufacturer/entrepreneur. Production-ready prototypes created during the past two years, or industrial products or product series already in production qualify to enter.

On the exhibition you can see the qualified work, which the international jury rated highly enough. Three categories - lifestyle, human environment and engineering - can be seen on the exhibition.

In order to value design and the profession of designer, the Estonian Association of Designers decided in 2006 to start giving out the Estonian Design Award. The first Design Award was given out in the eighties by Tallinn Art Institute Department of Design at the initiative of Bruno Tomberg, after whom the Estonian Design Award has been named. Among the award-winners are experienced professionals like Matti Õunapuu, Heikki Zoova etc. 

Starting from 2012, Estonian Design Awards, including BRUNO, are jointly presented in cooperation with Estonian Design Centre, ADC*Estonia, Estonian Service Industry Association and Estonian Academy of Arts.  Estonian Design Centre organises the Design Awards and gala takes place during the Tallinn Design Festival.

The Estonian Association of Designers wishes to present innovative, high-standard new products to the public that would prompt Estonians to consume domestic design and motivate entrepreneurs to involve professional designers in product development. The recognition would encourage designers to create new interesting products and motivate them to learn about tendencies in design on the international level. For the design-knowledgeable entrepreneur participating in the competition with a designer and the public sector, product development from the aspect of design and design management would bring recognition and would be a good role model for others. In the long-term perspective, the Design Award is a springboard for new products and brands to the international arena.



PechaKucha Night
Ready... set... go!

Flash talk format PechaKucha is a part of Tallinn Design Festival also this year! PechaKucha (Japanese for “chit chat”) is the world’s fastest-growing storytelling platform, used by millions around the globe.

PechaKucha is what “Show and Tell” always dreamed of becoming. 20 slides. 20 seconds of commentary per slide. That’s it. Simple. Engaging. Spurring authentic connections. PechaKucha is the ideal tool to share passions and drop some knowledge. Global innovators use the PechaKucha platform to create powerful, visually-compelling stories that move audiences in less than 7 minutes.


Exhibition of product design award BRUNO 2024
Mon at 17—21
Tue-Sun at 12—20
The BRUNO product design award is awarded every two years to an exceptional product or product series, manufactured either at the designer's own initiative, as a collaboration, or as a commission by a manufacturer/entrepreneur. Production-ready prototypes created during the past two years, or industrial products or product series already in production qualify to enter.

On the exhibition you can see the qualified work, which the international jury rated highly enough. Three categories - lifestyle, human environment and engineering - can be seen on the exhibition.

In order to value design and the profession of designer, the Estonian Association of Designers decided in 2006 to start giving out the Estonian Design Award. The first Design Award was given out in the eighties by Tallinn Art Institute Department of Design at the initiative of Bruno Tomberg, after whom the Estonian Design Award has been named. Among the award-winners are experienced professionals like Matti Õunapuu, Heikki Zoova etc. 

Starting from 2012, Estonian Design Awards, including BRUNO, are jointly presented in cooperation with Estonian Design Centre, ADC*Estonia, Estonian Service Industry Association and Estonian Academy of Arts.  Estonian Design Centre organises the Design Awards and gala takes place during the Tallinn Design Festival.

The Estonian Association of Designers wishes to present innovative, high-standard new products to the public that would prompt Estonians to consume domestic design and motivate entrepreneurs to involve professional designers in product development. The recognition would encourage designers to create new interesting products and motivate them to learn about tendencies in design on the international level. For the design-knowledgeable entrepreneur participating in the competition with a designer and the public sector, product development from the aspect of design and design management would bring recognition and would be a good role model for others. In the long-term perspective, the Design Award is a springboard for new products and brands to the international arena.



Design Street

An integral part of the Tallinn Design Festival is the two-day design market which takes place over the festival weekend. No driver's license is needed to explore it as there's plenty of room for wanderers on foot! 

Walk through the streets and discover lots of great fashion-, accessory-, product- and interior design.

Exhibition of product design award BRUNO 2024
Mon at 17—21
Tue-Sun at 12—20
The BRUNO product design award is awarded every two years to an exceptional product or product series, manufactured either at the designer's own initiative, as a collaboration, or as a commission by a manufacturer/entrepreneur. Production-ready prototypes created during the past two years, or industrial products or product series already in production qualify to enter.

On the exhibition you can see the qualified work, which the international jury rated highly enough. Three categories - lifestyle, human environment and engineering - can be seen on the exhibition.

In order to value design and the profession of designer, the Estonian Association of Designers decided in 2006 to start giving out the Estonian Design Award. The first Design Award was given out in the eighties by Tallinn Art Institute Department of Design at the initiative of Bruno Tomberg, after whom the Estonian Design Award has been named. Among the award-winners are experienced professionals like Matti Õunapuu, Heikki Zoova etc. 

Starting from 2012, Estonian Design Awards, including BRUNO, are jointly presented in cooperation with Estonian Design Centre, ADC*Estonia, Estonian Service Industry Association and Estonian Academy of Arts.  Estonian Design Centre organises the Design Awards and gala takes place during the Tallinn Design Festival.

The Estonian Association of Designers wishes to present innovative, high-standard new products to the public that would prompt Estonians to consume domestic design and motivate entrepreneurs to involve professional designers in product development. The recognition would encourage designers to create new interesting products and motivate them to learn about tendencies in design on the international level. For the design-knowledgeable entrepreneur participating in the competition with a designer and the public sector, product development from the aspect of design and design management would bring recognition and would be a good role model for others. In the long-term perspective, the Design Award is a springboard for new products and brands to the international arena.



Design Street

An integral part of the Tallinn Design Festival is the two-day design market which takes place over the festival weekend. No driver's license is needed to explore it as there's plenty of room for wanderers on foot! 

Walk through the streets and discover lots of great fashion-, accessory-, product- and interior design.

Exhibition of product design award BRUNO 2024
Mon at 17—21
Tue-Sun at 12—20
The BRUNO product design award is awarded every two years to an exceptional product or product series, manufactured either at the designer's own initiative, as a collaboration, or as a commission by a manufacturer/entrepreneur. Production-ready prototypes created during the past two years, or industrial products or product series already in production qualify to enter.

On the exhibition you can see the qualified work, which the international jury rated highly enough. Three categories - lifestyle, human environment and engineering - can be seen on the exhibition.

In order to value design and the profession of designer, the Estonian Association of Designers decided in 2006 to start giving out the Estonian Design Award. The first Design Award was given out in the eighties by Tallinn Art Institute Department of Design at the initiative of Bruno Tomberg, after whom the Estonian Design Award has been named. Among the award-winners are experienced professionals like Matti Õunapuu, Heikki Zoova etc. 

Starting from 2012, Estonian Design Awards, including BRUNO, are jointly presented in cooperation with Estonian Design Centre, ADC*Estonia, Estonian Service Industry Association and Estonian Academy of Arts.  Estonian Design Centre organises the Design Awards and gala takes place during the Tallinn Design Festival.

The Estonian Association of Designers wishes to present innovative, high-standard new products to the public that would prompt Estonians to consume domestic design and motivate entrepreneurs to involve professional designers in product development. The recognition would encourage designers to create new interesting products and motivate them to learn about tendencies in design on the international level. For the design-knowledgeable entrepreneur participating in the competition with a designer and the public sector, product development from the aspect of design and design management would bring recognition and would be a good role model for others. In the long-term perspective, the Design Award is a springboard for new products and brands to the international arena.
