Discover UPMADE in Estonia: Tradition Meets the Future in Circularity and Digital Innovation

This exclusive event is taking place for the first time in New York City, with top design leaders from Estonia. You will find out why this tiny country is now recognized as having the “most unicorns per capita in Europe” and “the most start-ups per capita in Europe,” and how it became the world’s first 100% digitally transformed society.

You will hear the backstory of the startup culture where products like Skype were born, and how Estonia became the world leader in digital governance, its innovative e-Residency program, and how this is revolutionizing the creative and entrepreneurial landscape.

Don’t Miss the Opening Night on Friday, May 17, 5 pm:

Explore UPMADE in Estonia – an exhibition that bridges traditional Estonian design, where circular design principles, novel materials, and the essence of Estonian culture converge

Discover unique artifacts that celebrate traditional craftsmanship and take home a piece of Estonia from our pop-up shop

Are you looking to expand your creative endeavors into Europe? Learn about the advantages of becoming an e-Resident of Estonia and meet with industry experts who will guide you to get started on this exciting journey

Engage with thought leaders and design visionaries, including talks moderated by Surya Vanka, the Chair-Elect of the Industrial Designers Society of America, offering insights into how Estonian design can be a model for global design futures

Discover UPMADE IN ESTONIA: Tradition Meets the Future in Circularity and Digital Innovation
May 16-22, 2024
188 Lafayette St, SoHo
Daily 11am-8pm

Friday, May 17, 5pm
Opening Party

PARTICIPATING BRANDS: Woola, Myceen, Reet Aus, HYTI, kelpman textile, Johanna Ulfsak, Piret Loog, LUKS, LAURASAKS, Cervo Volante, SILE LUIK, K i l l u d, Heiter X, NüüD, Studio Raili Keiv, Elize Hiiop Jewellery, Tarmo Luisk, LUM, Filaret, By Urmas Lüüs, Karlotta, Leonardo Design, Olustvere puidukoda / Mirjam ja Markus Pärnamets, Ideeklaas, Hannah Segerkrantz (Kiukivi), Margit Terasmees, IKIGI, Kärt Summatavet, Riina O, RAIKU Bio Packaging, Andres Ansper, DiMa Estonian Academy of Arts (Sandra Luks, Argo Tamm, Cärol Ott, Reet Aus), HUUM, JALG, Krista Lehari Jewellery, Kristel Kuslapuu, SJX by Juhan Soomets, Maria Rästa Design, Arro Porcelain, Elmet Treier design, Radis, Straipu and Anneli Tammik.

This event is a collaborative effort between the Estonian Association of Designers, the Estonian Academy of Art, and e-Residency. Supported by the Ministry of Culture, the Cultural Endowment, Enterprise Estonia, and the Consulate General of Estonia in New York, it showcases the collective commitment to fostering creativity and innovation. Curated by Ilona Gurjanova, President of the Estonian Association of Designers, and Reet Aus, PhD, an environmental activist, the exhibition’s layout, including cardboard furniture, is the creation of Tarmo Luisk, with the exposition table designed by Annike Kaldoja.

The Estonian Association of Designers (EAD) unites over 170 prominent Estonian designers dedicated to enhancing societal understanding of design efficiency and fostering user-friendly environments. Their initiatives include organizing competitions, seminars, workshops, and exhibitions. EAD collaborates on projects addressing circular design, inclusivity, healthcare design, cities, and design management. With a 24-year history of active engagement, they have curated exhibitions in over 20 cities. The association operates Estonian Design House stores, showcasing 120+ Estonian product designers across various categories. For 18 years, EAD has hosted the Tallinn Design Festival DISAINIÖÖ.

The Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) aims to be a leading global hub for innovation in visual culture, collaborating with over 100 partner universities worldwide.

The Sustainable Design and Material Lab (DiMa) showcases practical demonstrations of textile waste circularity, emphasizing local upcycling, industrial upcycling, and recycling methods.

More information on our Facebook page!

Project Manager: Ilona Gurjanova,

#upmadeinEE #NYCxDESIGN